Population Pyramid

Population Pyramid: Africa

Population Pyramid: France

Population Pyramid: United States
The above graphs are population pyramids. Population pyramids tell you the age and gender distribution for a given area. This information is useful because it gives you vital information about a countries population. For example, the pyramid will tell you whether the country is growing or contracting and gender ratios. Please view the below graph and answer the questions that follow.

Population Pyramid: Key
 The above population Pyramid key tells you how to read a population pyramid and will better help you to answer the questions. The pyramid on the left shows and EXPANDING population the pyramid on the right shows a CONTRACTING population.

Directions: Please take a moment to view the above pyramids and answer the following questions based on the information from them.

1). Which of the above three countries/continents is growing the fastest? Which has the oldest population?

2). Is France's population expanding or contracting? Do they have an old or young population?

3). Are there more males or females in Africa? Do they have a young or old population?

4). After viewing the graphs think of a challenge that having an older population (like France) will have on the young people of that country. In your own words describe this challenge.


  1. Alex Dobre core 1
    1 Africa's population is growing the fastest and france's population is the oldest.
    2 France's population is contracting and it is an old population.
    3 there are more males in Africa and it is a young population
    4 The younger people have to care for many of the older people.

  2. africs is the fastest
    frace is contracting
    its a youg population
    the youger have to care for the older

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1. africa is growing fast but france is declining it also has the oldest population.
    2. frace's population is old and contracting.
    3. more males and a young population.
    4. the young people are stuck helping the oldies.

    1. Africa is the fastest
      France is contracting
      its a young population
      the younger have to care for the older

  5. Sarena Caver core:2

    1. Africa is the fastest and France is the oldest
    2. France population is contracting and they have old population
    3. Africa population has the almost the same number of males and females and is a older population
    4. The older population is not able to create a younger genartion which is causing the decline of the population.

  6. 1.Africa is the fastest While France is the oldest

    2.Frances population is contracting and they have an old population

    3. they have an equally amount of both genders and they have a young poulation

    4.young have to care for old

  7. 1 Africa is growing the fastest. France is the oldest.
    2 contracting
    3 same
    4 too many old people

  8. 1 Africa= fastest France= oldest
    2 France is consentrating and old
    3 More males and young
    4 young take care of old

  9. Christopher Mackenzie
    1 Africa's population is growing more rapidly than the others and france's population is the oldest.
    2 France's population is contracting and it has an older population.
    3 there is mostly males in Africa but when the population gets older the there are more females in Africa and it has a young population
    4 The younger population will have a difficult time taking care of the older population because their will be more old people than young people.

  10. Mackenzie Teichner
    1 Africa is the fastest, France is the oldest
    2 contracting and old
    3 male and old
    4 the young take care of the old

  11. 1)Africa is growing the fastet,and France is the oldest.
    2)France's population is contracting and it is the oldest.
    3)There are more males in Africa; There is a young population.
    4)The younger population will have a hard time taking care of the older people because there are more older people then there is younger people.

  12. the first chart.
    contracting and the population is old.
    more males are in africa and their population is younger.
    the younger people will be forced to help older people, creating a situation where there would be less people working.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Kev Hanson core 3
    1. Africa's the fastest and France is the oldest
    2. France's population is contracting and old population
    3. same
    4. the young people will have to care for the old people

  15. 1.Africa is growing fastest. France has the oldest population.
    2.France’s population is contracting and has an old population.
    3.More female and have a young population.
    4.The young would have to care for the old. This could be a problem because more old people would live longer and not many young people could take care of them.

  16. 1.Africa, France
    4.Caring for elders.

  17. 1 africa is growing the fastest france is the oldest
    2 france is contracting and it is old
    3 females and young population
    4 there would be so much older people and would have to care for them

  18. 1) africa is growing the fastest and franceis the oldest
    2) France iscontractingand has theoldest population
    3) More males and young population
    4) The younger people wpould have to think about the older

  19. 1. Africa is the fastest and France is the oldest
    2.France population is contracting and is old population
    3.Theres more female and they have a young population.
    4.more young people will probably have more to do

  20. Zach Fiedler Core 4
    1. Africa is growing the fastest and France has the oldest
    2. Frances population is contracting and have an old population
    3. More females in Africa and they have a young population

  21. Matt Tarry
    Core 4

    1. Africa's population is growing the fastest. France has the oldest population.
    2. France has an old population and it is contracting.
    3. Africa has an equal amount of males and females. Africa has a young population.
    4. A problem that is affecting older populations is that the older popluation cannot create younger people which causes that popluation to contract.

  22. 1)Africas population is the fastest growing, frances population is the oldest
    2)Frances population is concentrating and an old population
    3)More males and a young population
    4)Younger people learn from the old people

  23. 1. Africa, France
    2. Contracting, old poulation
    3. Same amount of males and females, young population
    4. The young population has to take care of the the old population

  24. 1. France has the oldest Africa has the fastest growing pop.
    2. Contracting and old population
    3. Females, young
    4. Taking care of the seniors can cause problems. Also, because the old over power the young there is not as many kids. Population declines also with war. Government and the economy could be affected too.

  25. 1.united states has the oldest population,and i think africa has the fastest growing population.
    2.frances population is shrinking and has an older population
    3.africa has about the same until they are older, then the girls start to take over, their population is mainly young.
    4. with a mostly old population, the elderly people die without poeple funding them so they can survive, when they cant work or stay healthy on their own.

  26. Alex Zachar core 1

    1) Africa is growing the fastest, france has the oldest population

    2) Contracting population and an older population

    3) Males and they are mostly younger

    4) When the old people die in the population the nation depends on the younger poulation

  27. 1. Africa is growing the most.
    2. It is contracting and they have a really old population.
    3.I think that the Males are,and they are mostly young.
    4. When the old people die, the young people will have more to take care of. And it is making the economy decrease.

  28. Usher Khan Core 3

    1. Africa's population is growing fastest.
    2. The population is contracting and an old population.
    3. Males are mostly younger.
    4. If the old people die, the people will depend on the younger people.

  29. 1. Africa is growing the fastest.
    2. France is contracting. Old population.
    3. Same.
    4. Young Men should be more caring towards old people.

  30. 1.africa is growing fastest. france has the oldest population
    2.contracting and old
    3.equal, young
    4.not having enough jobs when people graduate, and have to pay too much in tax because the elders to have a retirement fund, causing the younger people to have less money

  31. 1.africa
    2. contracting and they have an old population
    3. males and there are more younger
    4.theres no one to really take care of the older people
