Monday, January 16, 2012


Watch the video and post one comment on the following question: Is Africa's diverse geography a strength or a weakness....and why?


  1. i think its a weekness cuz it can cause soome likw wars to breakout over things like religon and tht might cause many deaths and also tht may cuz some places to over populate from like the diffrent places of worship and stuff like tht

  2. tee hogue core 1- i think a strength so they can have more cultural differnces and more of a wide variety of ideas and resources also u can have more diverse jobs and products

  3. Christopher Mackenzie Core: 1
    The diverse geography is a strength for Africa because, the land makes it suitable for many animals to live. Also, many humans are able to live their because of the correct living conditions and resources. This is why I thing the geography in Africa is a strength.

  4. alexis smith core 3- i think its a strength because they have more oportunities to make lots of things with sand, and they could make lots of pottery.

  5. arthur lichomski- C1

    i think the diverse geography makes it easier for populations of animals and humans to settle.

  6. i think weakness cause when the vid showed the ppl that live there are or live in the slums

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I think its a stenght becuase you can learn to respect peoples culture and beliefs and you can trade ideas and resources. It doesnt seem to be causing a problem there. :)
    Marie W.

  9. well its sort of both
    its bad bcuz if a war breaks out against Africa they wont be able to make a plan bcuz they wont be able to understand eachother with all the diverse launguages
    its good because they have everything they need and dont have a reason to trade out of africa

  10. Dasha Abbas Core 1
    the geography might give people choices to what kind of landscape they want

  11. kyrsten milatz core 3

    I think it’s a weakness because there isn’t allot of space to live because half of Africa is desert even though it is twice the size of the U.S.A people only live in half. Africa is has a variety which can be a good thing but Africa has such a diverse society that most places in Africa don’t speak the same language so it can be hard

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Kevin Hanson Core 3

    i think its a strength because of the resources there and there is alot of precipitation they can use and clean for fresh water and use animals for meat

  14. Alex Dobre Core 1

    I think it is a weakness because Africa's deserts take up land that could be used for cities and farms.

  15. Dania Alsabeh, Core 1
    I suppose that it is a weakness because most of Africa is a desert, and you can't do much in a desert, which just wastes land and lacks land that has fertile soil (in the north).

  16. Brendan Schoneck, core 3
    It is a weakness because all of the northern part of Africa is desert. Most of the people live in the middle part of Africa which is the jungle.

  17. I think it is a weakness because the desert takes up land that can be used for cities.

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  19. Zach Fiedler Core 4 I think it is a weakness because the desert land could be a cities or farm land

  20. Parker Cole Core 4
    I think it is a weekness because the huge deserts make living in those places hard because there is no water. You can not live if there is no water for you to drink, plant, or give to animals.

  21. I think it is a weakness because almost all of Africa is a desert, making it hard to find water for the people there, the animals, and the plants. Also, the deserts take up the land that could be used for both cities and farms. Plus, it isn't a good environment for plants and animals to survive.
    -Christian Bashi;Core 3

  22. it is a weakness because with all desert makes it really hard to farm and get all the water they needed. it would also be a strength because of the nile river. it alows them to have water and rich soil when the river floods.

  23. Dylan Hudspeth Core 1
    I belive it is a weakness because the only places you can find water are near the Nile, Rainforests, and the Great Rift Valley. This means that it is very hard to find water if you live in an area not near one of these areas.

  24. Romi Oppenheim Core 1
    I think it is a weakness because no one can live in the desert. Also, there is a limited supply of water.

  25. Philip Bugelli core 1
    I think it is a weakness because hardly anybody can live in the desert, and there is only so much water in africa

  26. It is a weakness because there is little population and there are a lot of deserts with barely any water

  27. it is a weakness because not alot of people can live in the desart

    im in core 4

  28. Chloe Cobb Core:4 I think it would weakness because people there dont get that water and there are lots of deserts.

  29. colton drescosky core 3
    its a weakness because a lot is desert and its to hot and dosnt have enough water

  30. Matthew Tarry - I think Africa's geography is a stregth because of the protection that the physical features offer. Deserts, bodies of water, and jungles all protect Africa from invaders.

  31. Madison Grady Core:3 - i honestly think africa's geography is a strength because it has fertile soil for farmers to plant their crops. It also has jungle area's for wildlife. Africa also has a lot of desert area's and some people might think that is a weakness but i think its a strength because it mean warm weather for the areas around it and the desert isnt always burning hot because at night time it isnt always hot.

  32. joe stachurski core 2
    i think that the geography is a strength because the rivers provide protection and crops. the rain forest are good for making new farm land. the desert can provide water in some areas but i mainly creates protection

  33. Lexi Shepard core 1
    I think it is a strength because it gives people a chance to do different things such as farming in different geographical areas and it also provides them food like meat that farmers can't produce

  34. Sarena Caver core :2
    ithink its causes a strength because the gepography influence great amounts of water. But in the desert its unreal how the deserts affects the people and makes it harder to live in that kind of climate

  35. Grace Markey core1 I think it would weakness because people there dont get that water and there are lots of deserts.and it is hard for the water to be transported into the desert regions.

  36. Emmy McAtamney, Core 2.

    I think africas geography is a weakness because the deserts are dry. You cannot farm on them, and there isnt much water in Africa.

  37. I think it is a strength because Africa is surrounded by water. Also there are rivers and lakes in the continent.

  38. I think it is a weakness. Africa has many deserts and savannas which isn't good for people to live and farm. The only places that people can farm is around the rivers and lakes. -Avery North C4

  39. Alex Zachar Core 1 social studies

    I think that this is a weakness because lots of africa is desert and none of that land can be used for farming.if there were no deserts africa would be crazy for farming.

  40. i think its a weakness because the deserts take land that can be used as farming

  41. the reason the farming stunk was because it was in the desert

  42. the 1 map is map is map like because it shows the whole Africa

    the 2 map shows people trying to take the land

    im in core 4

  43. i think it is a weakness because most of Africas land is desert and its to hot to grow anything there.

  44. the deserts are the reason that farming isnt as good as it could be because it otherwise would be good for farming
