Thursday, January 19, 2012

Read & React: For this blog assignment please follow the link and read the following article and post your reaction to it in the comment section. A good reaction should include what desertification is, why it occurs, and what the possible solutions are.

Please copy and paste the following link to open the article.


  1. Why does this desertification happen? I was realy suprised that over 25 - 50 million people are effected. If we dont stop this now more other people will be affected. Lets just hope somebody will do something

  2. im s suprised about the amount of poverty

  3. Im suprised that the report warns that some 50 million people could be displaced within the next 10 years.

  4. Desertification happens for several reasons, one reason is that farmers allow their animals to graze on the land. This destroys what little vegetation is covering the land and as a result the land turns to desert.

  5. i cant believe that the Nile river stretches from lake Victoria to the Mediterranean sea

    1. my reaction would be that desertification is a bad thing, because it is taking away land for people to live and farm on. this can be bad because farmers must cut down rain forest, this can lead to a shortage in oxygen. we can stop desertification by planting crops and trees in areas that are affected the most. desertification occurs because the desert is expanding.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. desertification is the spread of desert across other lands, and how it is spreading. it occurs becouse of how farmers are getting fertile land, the winds, droughts, and more. a possible way to prevent it is to plant trees around farms, reuse areas, make compost piles so they can have some kind of fertilizer, not burn down the forests for more land, stop deforestation.

  8. Desertification is the process of turning fertile farming land into desert. It occurs when you over farm a land and use all of it recources. Some ways to prevent it are to: have more controled farming, use more alternate energy like solar energy.

  9. Desertification is the long- term process in which fertile land is changed into desert. It occurs because people destroy good land, and the wind blows the sand of the desert, allowing it to change it into a desert. A possible solution is to grow trees around your farm so it could prevent sand from blowing over land. Also, another solution could be to use less fertile soil/ don’t waste fertile soil.

  10. desertfication is when the land is turned into desert and it happens because droughts, farming incorrectly, and the wind blowing the sand farther out. It can be prevented by planting trees, using natural fertilizer, and reusing lands. Also, don't cut down trees lol

  11. desertification happens because people move from place to place and destory the land afetr they use it. after it's destroyed, the land eventually turns into desert. this is called desertification. to stop desertification, the people who live near those areas shouldnt destroy their land.

  12. Alex Dobre Core 1
    desertification is when fertile land turns into desert. This can be caused by farmers letting animals eat all of the vegitation, unstable irrigration, and using up all the nutrients in the land so that it turns usless. There are ways we can stop this though. We could plant trees, use the land more efficently, and not letting animals eat the remaining vegitation.

  13. The process of fertile land turning into desert. Taking already fertile land and over using it and having natural resources like wind come in and help destroy it. As a result there is no farming land. No grass for livestock to graze on, no plants to pull up or plant. Starvation is part of a result of problem. One solution could be to control you farming.
    -Brenna Grimes Core 1

  14. desertification also can destroy vegetation creating less fertile land making it hard to farm.

  15. Desertification is the process of taking fertile land and making it a desert. This isnt a good thing in my opinion because its ruinging fertile land that could be used for crops and vegetation.
    -Emmy McAtamney Core 2

  16. desertification means the destroying fertle land and turning it into desert

  17. Desertification is fertile land turning in to a desert

  18. Sarena Caver Core: 2

    Desertification is where fertile land turns it into a desert. It occurs when people keep planting a not letting the area of land get a break which in returns destroys the land. When it rain all the good soil emptys out into the rivers and or streams. We can let the land rest so the less areas of and can be fertile and not dry and cracked. Trading more can lead to a less part of the world being desert

  19. desertification is the spread of desert from fertile land across other lands, and the way it is spreading. it occurs because farmers are getting fertile land and all the things like the wind. a possible way to prevent it is to plant trees just around derserts and farms and everywhere. Also reuse areas, not burn down the forests for more land, NO MORE deforestation.

    Mitchell Zelenak Core 2

  20. Robyn Zallen Core 2 (not Emmy im on her account)
    desartification is very bad because if theres no fertile land, trees and vegatation , desartification is the process of fertile land turning into desert and thats bad cuz it puts farmers outta bisness

  21. desertification happens because people move from place to place and destroy the land after they use it. after it's destroyed, the land eventually turns into desert. this is called desertification. to stop desertification, the people who live near those areas shouldn't destroy their land.

  22. Desertification is a process when a fertile land changes to desert it occurs because sand gets moved by wind and carry's it over. And expand the desert a possible solution is that you can plant aqueducts all over the Sahara so people can get water from it.

  23. desertification is when grassland turns into desert. wind creates it. The people who live stouldnt fight for it

  24. Brendanschoneck core:3
    Desertfication is when fertile land turns intodeset from the sand that blows on the land. Possible soulutions are that people can put up barrier that collect the sand that blows into the sahle.

  25. Desertification is when fertile land is changed into desert. It can be occured when you use all of your resources. A way to prevent it is by having better or controlled farming.

  26. desertification takes a long time it is where the desert takes over the grass land

  27. desertification happens when fertile land becomes desert

  28. Madison Grady core:3-Desertifacation is turning fertile land into desert. This occurs because when people farm and grow crops it destroys the land and it cant be used to grow crops anymore so they turn it into desert land. a possible solution is not to farm as much and not wate the land and put it to good use.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. desertification is when fertile land becomes desert

  31. Desertification is the process in which fertile land turns to desert. It happens for several reasons, one is because farmers let their animals feed on the land. It can get better if they stop doing that.
    And in the article, it surprised me that 50 million people will be displaced within 10 years.

  32. Desertification is thechange of a farm or forest into a desert it ocurs because people slash and burn forests.This can be stoped by not slashing and burning forest.

  33. desertification is a long term proses that when fertile land becomes desert

    it is caused when people farm and grow crops it destroys the land

  34. Desertification is when fertile land gets changed into desert. This happens when farmers and people over plant instead of letting the land heal it damages it.

  35. Desertification is when feertile bececomes desert and it happens when people start growing crops then it destroys the land then they can't grow crops no more

  36. the defionition of deserfication is when firtile land becomes a desert

  37. Decertification is when Grassland turns into desert land, this is bad because all the plants go away and more people are affected by this. When you over farming/grazing you are hurting the land.
