Monday, January 16, 2012

Political Cartoons

Please take a look at the above three political cartoon and post 1 comment answering the following questions: Pick one cartoon and describe what you think the authors message is? What is your reaction to the cartoon and do you think that the cartoon is an effective way to convey the authors message?


  1. The second cartoon caught my eye. It describes Africas past and present. It is trying to tell us that many people in africa are suffering from many different causes. They need help!!

  2. same her bro i mean tht so is wat it means and like it is some of the desies they have too

  3. I thought the third cartoon was the most meaningful out of all of them. I think that it shows how Africa is being exploited by richer countries that have the power to control it. The author did a good job of describing how Africa has been used.

  4. The last cartoon is very interesting. It shows the way that the risher people were treated better and the less fortunate people had to be like slaves. The cartoon is making a good point but excagerating a little bit on the harshness.

  5. the second cartoon must mean the things that Africa is going through.

  6. the first cartooon looks like a neighboring island is trying to control africa but africa is cutting off from the island

  7. i think the middle cartoon message was everyone wanted a piece of africa to themselves. i think this cartoon shows how every country wanted a piece of the new exploration and it describes how people fought for africa
