Role of women in africa

Challenges and obstacles
Women generally lack the necessary resources for starting and developing their own businesses. Resources critical for success are the assets that women bring with them to the entrepreneurial process in the form of human capital (formal and occupational experiences) and the entrepreneur’s ability to access resources in the environment (e.g. capital, suppliers, customers). Human capital is derived through investment in education and training. Research supported the theory that women have been impeded from acquiring adequate levels of human capital because of social and cultural forces (Chusmir, 1983).  Socio-cultural constraints have limited women’s access to a meaningful business experience (Cromie and Hayes, 1988), and led to careers interrupted by family obligations (Kaplan, 1988). They have less human capital for the management and development of their businesses. Demands on human capital, in terms of education and experience, are specific to the nature account the unique socio-cultural setting of South Africa as a developing country. The starting point of this research study is that women entrepreneurs face different issues, depending on the stage of their personal life cycle, region or industry of location and role perceptions in entrepreneurship. The researchers recognise that the process of starting a business is highly interactive and that it is a combination of personality as well as environmental factors that motivates people. Hence, the lead for this research has been taken from the more recent, holistic studies on women entrepreneurs. The aim of this study is not to provide generalizations concerning women entrepreneurs, but to provide an initial basis for deepening our conceptual understanding of women entrepreneurs in South Africa.of the entrepreneurial venture, and hence vary between industries etc. Additionally, barriers have been seen to impede women’s access to financial resources (Carter and Allen, 1992).  Thus the main obstacles that women face in business are educational and work background, psychological characteristics, motivation, perception and career efficacy, training and skills development, comparative earning levels, management practices, external networking, desire to succeed and other obstacles (Birley, 1989; Bush 1992; Dumas, 2001; Robinson, 2001; Scherer, et al., 1990; Stevenson, 1986).  The lack of management skills and low levels of management training are issues facing women’s entrepreneurial ventures, particularly in the case of micro enterprises.  Support organizations cite a lack of sales and marketing skills as the most commonly reported problem faced by female entrepreneurs, after finance.

Directions: Please read the above article and answer the following questions about the role of women in Africa.

1).  How do gender/social roles affect or limit a women’s economic opportunities?

2). List five of the main barriers that women in business face in Africa.



  1. adam kott
    i dont think tht men can do more than wemon i think tht wemon can do just as much as men and mabey even more alsothe main five barriers are work time, skill level,type of job, and pay

  2. 1. it dosent let them do things that men do, like work and go to collage

    2. lack of managment, lack of training, work background, psychological characteristics, motivation.

  3. women generally have to watch over the family
    work and educational background,psychological characteristics,motivation, perception and career efficacy,training and skills development.

    1. Women do lots of work around the house and people think that women are underqualified

  4. 1. Had to take care of the kids so women are usually busy with household chores to start their own business
    2.educational and work background, psychological characteristics, motivation, perception and career efficacy

  5. Alex Zachar Core 1
    1. They do affect because in Africa homeland women usually don't work in a field, they work in a house.
    2. 5 barriers are: time worked, level of skill, type of job, pay of the job, and where they work.

  6. 1). How do gender/social roles affect or limit a women’s economic opportunities?
    Research supported the theory that women have been impeded from acquiring adequate levels of human capital because of social and cultural forces. Socio-cultural constraints have limited women’s access to a meaningful business experience, and led to careers interrupted by family obligations.
    2). List five of the main barriers that women in business face in Africa.
    The main obstacles that women face in business are educational and work background, psychological characteristics, motivation, perception and career efficacy, training and skills development, comparative earnings levels, management practices, external networking, desire to succeed and other obstacles.

  7. 3-5-12 reed hohner
    1. the women dont get to go to work or start a bussiness because they have to take care of their kids at home. because the kids are there they dont have a choice to go to work because the kids have to be watched after.
    (2.) 1. dont have enough money
    2. educational problems
    3. are expected to work in feilds
    4.dont have good work backrounds
    5. they lack physological charactoristics

  8. 1.)educational and work background,
    2.)psychological characteristics
    4.)training and skills development
    5.)perception and career efficacy

    1.)in some parts of africa, women don't have the right to particpate in many things.

  9. 1) They women are expected to do something, and expected not to do something else.
    2) the main obstacles women face are educational and work background, psychological characteristics, motivation, perception and career efficacy, training and skills development, comparative earning levels, management practices, external networking, and desire to succeed

  10. Dylan Hudspeth Core 1

    1) Gender and social roles limit a womens economic opportunities by not letting them into college to study buisness.

    2) 1. Lack of education
    2. Lack of sales
    3. No finacal backup
    4. Work time
    5. Skill level

  11. 1. Women in some parts of Africa could not go to college.

    2. Inovation, work backround,physical characteristics,motovation,perceprion and career effeciant.

  12. Christopher Mackenzie
    Core: 1
    1.I think that the woman aren't expected to work in businesses but they work at home and in the fields. background, psychological characteristics, motivation, perception and career efficacy.

  13. 1. women in some parts of Africa could not go to college.
    2. educational and work backround, physical characteristics, motivation, perceprion and career efficancy, trainging and skills development.

  14. Alex Dobre Core 1
    1)Women usually take care of kids.
    2)Five main barriers that women in Africa face are family obligations, expirence and education, motavation,psychological charectaristics, and the desire to succed.

  15. 1) Because women are generalized for doind house work and are not usually known as being stronger thatn men.
    2)Educational and work backrounds, psycological characteristics motivation perception and career efficancy and training and skills development.

  16. 1 cant go to school because busy
    2 educatin family desire experience work backrownd

  17. conner barnes core 3
    1.they cant go to school

    1. Lack of education
    2. Lack of sales
    3. No finacal backup
    4. Work time
    5. Skill level

  18. 1)I think the woman usually take care of the kids or work in the fields(farming).
    2)motivation, perception and career efficacy, psychological characteristics, psychological characteristics

  19. 1) Women usually take care of the kids and do the household chores.

    2) Work background, Psychological characterisitcs, motivation, and career efficacy.

  20. 1. the women were expected to farm and take care of the kids

  21. Brendan Schoneck core: 3
    1. Woman are known for doing inside house work, and the men are
    known for doing yardwork in stead of house work.
    2. lack of mangagement, lack of ablity, lack of education, psycological charastics, and the desire to sucssed

  22. noah smith core3
    1. well women just cook and clean mostley.they can not do like working things.
    2.cook clean wash jobs hunting

  23. 1. woman did all the easy jobs like house work
    2. Work background Psychological characterisitcs motivation and career efficacy

  24. 1. Women do mostly the inside house work (cleaning and cooking)
    2. They lack managment,ability, education, psycology, characteristics and desire to succeed

  25. Matt Tarry ~
    1. Africa's social constraints prohibit's women's economic opportunities.
    2. Five obstacles that women face in business in Africa include educational and work background, psychological characteristics, motivation, perception and career efficacy, and skills.

    1. Addition to Number 1:
      Plus, women are expected to care for children and cook which limits their economical opportunities.

  26. 1 woman mostly just do the house work and men do all of the work outside and they have a job

    2 no education, no jobs , no management, no abiltiy , and work backround

  27. 1. Because women usally do house work and do farm work.
    2. Lack of management skills, work backround, psychological characteristics, motivation, and desire to succeed.

  28. 1.This dosen't let women do things men can, like work and go to collage

    2.Lack of managment, training, work background, psychological characteristics, motivation.

  29. 1) no access to money and can't start business
    2)lack of education,no access to money, cant start business, thought of as farmers and care takers, people think they dont have the ability to do things

  30. Parker Cole core 4
    1. Women usually do housework like cleaning so they don't know much about economics
    2. Physical carecteristics, motivation, management practices, external networking,and comparative earning levels

  31. 1.Women didnt have access to money.
    2. 1. educational and work background
    2. physological characteristics
    3. perception and career efficacy
    4. training and skills development
    5. comparative earning levels

  32. Zach Fiedler Core 4
    1. Women do things inside of the house or a small buissness and men do stuff outside of the house
    2. educational and work background, motivation, perception and career efficacy, training and skills development, and comparitive earning levels

  33. Angelique M, Avery N C4
    1. They cant start a buisness or go to college.
    2. educational and work background, psychological characteristics, motivation, perception and career efficacy
    yAY :D

  34. 1)Women mostly take care of kids.
    2)family obligations, expirence and education, motavation,psychological charectaristics, and to succed.

  35. 1. They do affect because in Africa homeland women usually don't work in a field, they work in a house.
    2. 5 barriers are: time worked, level of skill, type of job, pay of the job, and where they work.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. 1) They cant start a buisness
    2) education, motavation, psychological characteristics, perception, career efficacy

  38. 1. cant start a buisness
    2. motivation, psycological characteristics, time worked, education, and desire to sucseed
