Monday, January 16, 2012

Africa Maps

Look at the above maps: Post a comment answering the following: In your own words describe the purpose of one of the above maps. Which is the most "map" like and why? Which of the above maps would be the most useful? and why?


  1. On the first map it wants us to know the different cultures and diversity of Africa.(I thought with all the flags it was pretty cool)

  2. I think the first map is showing the different flags to show the different kinds of diverse people in africa. I think the most map like is the last one it is really cool because it shows cars, people, pyramids for egypt, animals and buildings. They just show a bunch or cool pictures representing whats happening there and whats there so thats why i think that one is the most "map" like and i think the second one is the most useful because it doesnt just show some diverse cultures in africa it tells you some diverse cultures in africa.

  3. The first one is the one i like because it shoes the different flags.

  4. i think that the third one is the best because the picture shows the different landmarks from each area but the first one show the divers religions and cultures

  5. i think the seconed map is intresting it looks like countries are trying to take africa for themself

  6. i think the first map shows you that other places in africa have differant cultiers. the one that is most map like is the first on because it has more details and has a better out line of africa. i think the last one is the most useul because it shows what is in that area and what is grown in that area.

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  7. The first map shows the flags of the different contries. I think that the first map is the most maplike because it shows the country boarders. The third map is the most useful becuse it shows the many things in africa.

  8. the first map shows the flags.
    i think the therd map is most map like because is looks like one.
    i think the therd map is most useful because is shows resorses.

  9. I think that the first map is the most maplike because it shows the different flags which show the countries and the borders.

  10. I think that the first map shows the different flags of each country and is the most useful because it shows the borders

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  12. the 3rd map can tell you the resources. the 1st map is more map like because of the country outlines. the 1st map will be more useful because if you know the flags you can find which country your going too

  13. The first map is the most useful because it shows the flags of each country so you know what country your going to.

  14. The first map because it shows the flags of each country in Afirica.

  15. the first one shows the counties flags and stuff. the 3rd one is most useful because has the the types of houses and what is there. the third is most map like because t has like what it is and shows what you can find there

  16. The first map shows the flags in-which showing the different cultures.
    The second map shows all the countries that wanted africa.
    The third map shows all the stuff and resources.

  17. I think the first one shows the flags of each country. The second one is the places/countries that fought and wanted Africa. And the third is what goes on at what parts of Africa. I think that the first one is the most maplike and the third one is most useful because it shows what resources and things you could do in each place and what is there.
    -Noa Hamer Core 4

  18. I think the first one is the msot map like in terms that it divides the countrys up. the third one shows what kind industry is there. the second one show the global powers pulling on africa

  19. the first map is the most like a map because it shows the coutrys and boundries.
    the third one is the most useful because you can find where to go to get certain goods.
